Monday, June 27, 2011

Queer Film Blogathon is On

Hey folks!

I just wanted to let you all know that today a Queer Film Blogathon is on and being hosted over at the Garbo Laughs blog. What it is basically is a day, today, where lots of writers are putting out reviews, assessments, essays, and whatever else about films with LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi, transgender) content. Because of the fact that "LGBT" is not everyone's favorite acronym and can be extended in so many ways, the host of the blog is preferring to call it "queer" which is meant to encompass everything. So there you go.

So far I managed to put one review in for the blogathon - my Desperate Living review. Even though I won't probably watch any more films today with LGBT content, I've been really exited by the whole idea of the blogathon. In the future, if I come across this sort of content in future films I'd like to explore it in my reviews. As part of the community myself, I feel a sense of pride in sharing these depictions with others, even if they aren't the nicest things ever.


  1. I just checked the blog out, I'll definitely going to read more. I think I'll find a LGBT movie to watch & review.

    BTW, I added you on Twitter, you aren't a Twitter fan? :\

  2. Nice, I'll be happy to read your upcoming review then :).

    Oh, I saw that new follower email but then closed Gmail and promptly forgot about it. I'll need to go and add you back.


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